Board Certification - Grandin Lake Shores

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January 2024 Post

In the world of a homeowner’s association (HOA), the only constant is change, particularly in the realm of legislation. This evolving landscape underscores the importance of annual certification for the association’s board members. Staying abreast of legal updates, understanding the multifaceted aspects of community management and being aware of potential liabilities and risks are non-negotiable skills for effective board members. There are many reasons but this helps explain why the board has been ineffective for such a long time.

Each year brings its share of legislative updates that significantly impact how HOAs are governed. Board members must be well-versed in these changes to ensure compliance and avoid legal pitfalls. This knowledge is essential for the community's smooth operation and legal integrity and necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the various components of community management, which can be achieved only through continual learning and certification.

To say the directors and officers of this association are uninformed about the laws and regulations governing this HOA would be a gross understatement. They have been exposing themselves and the members to significant risks and liabilities (hall rental, self-insurance, code violations, accounting irregularities and etc.). Regular certification is proactive in mitigating these risks, ensuring that the directors make informed decisions. If the directors of this HOA don't have the time for a certification course, then they don’t have the time or knowledge to dedicate to board responsibilities. Board membership is a commitment to the community's well-being and requires dedication that has been missing for a great many years. Many of these courses are accessible remotely and offered for free, making them convenient for even the busiest individuals.

The annual certification of this association’s board members is a necessity. It's about being responsible stewards of the HOA, equipped with knowledge and understanding. An informed board is the cornerstone of a thriving community. If these directors had ever wanted to successfully represent the interests of the property owners, they would have been willing to spend two and a half hours learning the basics of the statutes and other laws regulating this HOA. In the first quarter of this year there are over 15 course offerings. We are now seeing the result of years of incompetence due to the lack of qualified directors.

July 1, 2024 Director certification becomes law.
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