The Bylaws the directors want to use have been posted on their website. You can view and download a ‘cleaned-up’ copy. A watermark has been added so it won’t be confused with any ‘official’ ones. The one they posted should be kept for reference. The one recorded and given to the members doesn’t need the extraneous information. We agree with every comment about them we have received so far. It was pointed out that the current recorded bylaws are 2500 words and these new wannabe bylaws, are over 8700 words. That might explain why the type is so small; to hold down the number of pages.
The reference to appendix G, 1 – 11 at the end of Article V of the new bylaws is missing in the addendum and is included below. Do not expect that to change, there is no way they want their duties set in writing. This barely scratches the surface.
There are two different sets of Covenants recorded with the County and that will be fixed when (if) the new bylaws are recorded.
Appendix G, 1
President’s Duties
1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and Corporation
2. The President shall generally manage the business and the affairs of the Association
and Corporation
3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of
4. The President should arrive early, Check the readiness of a meeting room and should
begin the meeting on time
5. The President has a responsibility for enforcing the rules of order and maintaining
6. The President should be in control of the floor assigning those in order in which
persons are to speak of the Association and Corporation
7. The President should be familiar with procedure rules of the bylaws,
standing rules, covenants and Florida State Statues governing the association.
6. President should have a detailed well-prepared agenda and stick to it
7. The President should keep the group working together by explaining procedures
clearly and communicating the next order of business
8. The Presidents duties shall be performed in a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the Association and Corporation
9. The President should remain calm and objective in keeping the business meeting
moving along to a final ending.
10. The President may assist members of the Board in rephrasing a motion to what their
intent of motion might be.
11. The President shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors, deem necessary.
Appendix G, 2
Vice President
1. The Vice President shall assist the President in conducting of the monthly and Annual meetings.
2. The Vice president shall assume the role of President in the absences of the Presidents.
3. The Vice President shall chair the Governing Documents committee and give a report
at the monthly meetings.
4. The vice President shall be advised of the Executives committee actions and if needed, advise.
5. The Vice President shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the
Board of Directors deem necessary.
Appendix G, 3
Executive Committee Chair
1. Executive Chair shall have the specific function of reviewing applications for
membership and Enforcement of all Covenant, Restrictions, Rules or Regulations of
the Corporation.
2. Executive Chair shall meet at any time or place agreed to by a majority of the
Executive Committee.
3. Executive Committee shall have the powers of the Board; it is a board within a Board.
4. Executive Chair shall notify owners of Restriction, Rules, or Regulations and possible
violations of covenant and of Putnam County Codes.
5. Executive Chair shall report to the Putnam County Code Enforcement any suspected
violations that have not been corrected, but need to be.
6. Executive Chairs shall give a report to the Board at the monthly meetings.
7. Executive Chair will file the needed liens and documents for the Association.
8. Executive Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors deemed necessary.
Appendix G, 4
Custodial/Maintenance Chair Duties
1. Custodial/Maintenance Chair shall be responsible for ordering bulk supplies for the
clubhouse. These supplies will be kept in the supply room, except some cleaning
supplies, which will be kept in a cabinet behind the bar. Coffee, coffee cups, sugar,
creamer, and stirrers will be kept in the kitchen cabinet.
2. Custodial/Maintenance Chair shall be responsible for setting up work days and
supplies for that agenda.
3. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible changing AC filters every 3 months.
Put replacement dates on filters for reminder when to change it again. (20X20x1)
4. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible to make sure the AC units are
running properly.
5. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible for checking and keeping ant killer
on ant beds on Association property.
6. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible for keeping the fire extinguishers
updated and fully charged.
7. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible for the maintenance and running
condition of the water pump for the clubhouse.
8. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible for replacing the flag at the
clubhouse when needed.
9. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall be responsible for keeping an inventory of all
supplies for custodial/maintenance needs. A general inventory will be after each
association function, except board meetings and committee meetings.
10. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall give a report at the board monthly meeting.
11. Custodial/Maintenance chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors deemed necessary.
Appendix G, 5
Hall Use Committee Chair
1. Hall Use Chair shall maintain a journal of the hall use by Members of the
Association. The signed Agreement will be retained with the use journal.
2. Hall Use Chair shall open the hall, conduct and inspection of the hall, kitchen,
restrooms, for needed supplies.
3. Hall Use Chair shall if needed turn on the air conditioning, fans, or heaters as needed.
4. Hall Use Chair shall review the Agreement for the Use of GLSA Community Hall with
the Member requesting the hall use, have the Agreement filled out, ask for a donation,
and secure a clean/up deposit from the Member requesting use of the hall.
5. Hall Use Chair shall review the Rules for Hall Use with the Member requesting use of
the hall.
6. Hall Use Chair shall review the inventory list with the Member before use of the hall
and again review the list after hall use.
7. Hall Use Chair Shall list and report any damages to the President, Vice President or
8. Hall Use Chair will at the earliest convenient time turn over the donations and /or
clean/up deposit to the accountant, with the named Member using the hall.
9. Hall Use Chair shall give a report to the Board at the monthly meeting.
10. Hall Use Chair Shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors deemed necessary.
Appendix G, 6
Yard of the Month Committee Chair
1. Yard of Month Chair shall canvass the Grandin Lake Shores neighborhood each
2. Yard of the Month Chair shall at the end of each month select a yard and make contact
with the owner, and ask if they would accept the sign for the month.
3. Yard of the Month Chair shall notify the Board at the next Board Meeting at what
location the sign had been placed.
4. Yard of the Month Chair shall maintain the sign in a favorable condition for
5. Yard of the Month Chair shall give a report to the Board at the monthly meetings.
6. Yard of the Month Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by
the Board of Directors deeded necessary.
Appendix G,7
Front Entrance Committee Chair
1. Front Entrance Chair shall maintain the up keep in appearance of the whole area at
the entrance of the Grandin Lake Shores Association community at Holiday Drive and
State Road 315.
2. Front Entrance Chair shall paint, as needed the whole sign, letters, and cylinder
3. Front Entrance Chair shall trim all plants and bushes as needed from time to time.
Replace plants as needed and weed the flowerbed as to make a nice appearance, also by removing any trash that might be in the area.
4. Front Entrance Chair shall maintain the flag pole and paint as needed, replacing the
American flag, if necessary.
5. Front Entrance Chair shall insure the maintenance of the light on the power pole at the entrance.
6. Front Entrance Chair shall give a report at the board monthly meeting.
7. Front Entrance Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the
Board of Directors deemed necessary.
Appendix G, 8
Welcome Committee Chair
1. Welcome Committee Chair shall canvass the Association community area each month looking for new property owners, Association member, and Associate (renters).
2. Welcome Committee Chair shall introduce themselves to the new people “We need
Your help’’ information to keep our records up-to-date, or “We need your help’’ being
a renter as to who is renting the house and how many people are there. This more of a
safety concern because we have a Neighborhood Watch Patrol and keep a watch.
3. Welcome Committee Chair shall furnish an application for membership to the
Association. After completion, the chair will present the application to the Executive
Committee Chair for investigation. After review the Welcome Committee Chair shall
present the application to the Board at the next meeting for approval or disapproval.
4. Welcome Committee Chair shall furnish “copies of Covenants, By-laws with some
information highlighted’’.
5. Welcome Committee Chair shall furnish a list of present Officers, Board Members
in addition, their Committees, information sheet stating when Board Meeting will be
held, also information about Neighborhood Watch.
6. Welcome Committee Chair shall have printed material from Putnam County agencies
as follows, WastePro, hurricane shelter and evacuation routes, Sheriff’s office
Telephone directory.
7. Welcome Committee Chair shall from time to time give out extra goodies supplied by
the Sheriffs office, Crime Stopper pamphlet, window stickers, pens, what senior
Citizens should know about crime prevention, also preventing and protecting ID
8. Welcome Committee Chair shall give a report at the board monthly meeting.
9. Welcome Committee Chair Shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed
by the Board of Directors deem necessary.
Appendix G, 9
Activities and Events Committee Chair
1. Activities and Event Committee Chair shall be in charge of all social activities that are Grandin Lake Shores sponsored.
2. Activities and Events Committee Chair shall establish or co-sponsor activities for
adults and children. (holiday or special events)
3. Activities and Events Committee Chair shall coordinate the entertainment and foods.
4. Activities and Event Committee Chair shall assist and direct the clean-up, storing of
equipment and restoration of the hall for the next use.
5. Activities and Event Committee Chair shall give a report at the board monthly
6. Activities and Event Committee Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors deem necessary.
Appendix G, 10
Yard Sale Committee Chair
1. Yard Sale Chair shall establish and conduct two sales for the Grandin Lake Shores
Association, one in spring, another in fall.
2. Yard Sale Chair shall contact venders advising them of the sale dates and assist with
the assigned areas allowed.
3. Yard Sale Chair shall advertise the sales by placing the signs in obvious places and
making fliers to be posted in local businesses. The Chair shall advertise two weeks in
advance of the sale weekend in Palatka Daily News Paper.
4. Yard Sale Chair shall collect from the venders the fees for the spaces allowed for the
Sale, and along with the moneys collected from items sold for the Association, turn
over the moneys to the treasure at the earliest date.
5. Yard Sale Chair shall prepare a written report of the sales activities and report it to the Board at the next meeting.
6. Yard Sale Chair shall give a report at the board monthly meeting.
7. Yard Sale Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the
Board of Directors deeded necessary.
Appendix G, 11
Governing Documents Chair
1. The Vice President of the Association shall chair the Governing Documents
2. Governing Documents Chair shall be assisted by no less than four other Board
Members including the President.
3. Governing Documents Chair shall bring a review of, Florida State Statues 617, which
this Association was founded under, Covenants, Amendments, By-Laws.
4. Governing Documents Chair shall call for a review of the covenants to determine if
any need changing, identify that covenant and bring a discussion on what the change
might be. After discussions, form the change in to language form that will then be
brought before the Board. This would then be considered for Amendments to the
5. Governing Documents Chair shall follow the same procedures for the By-Laws so they can be brought before the Whole Board.
6. Governing Documents Chair shall research the Florida State Statutes after each yearly Congressional State section for changes that might affect the Association and
Corporation as a whole. The Chair will bring those items for review to the Committee and the Board.
7. Governing Documents Chair shall report to the Board at each Board Meeting.
8. Governing Documents Chair shall perform any other duties as prescribed and directed by the Board of Directors deeded necessary.