Fee - Grandin Lake Shores

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Notice that the invoice for the annual per lot maintenance fee directs the members to Book 1422 Page 273 on the County website for the authority to charge a fee, not the Governing Documents. Ok, let’s look at the next page in Book 1422;

Book 1422 Page 274 (see covenant #19 and the current recorded Bylaws, Article II, Section 3 (m).

Each lot sold in Grandin Lake Shores shall automatically become subject to an annual charge of $50.00 which buyer agrees to pay to the Grandin Lake Shores Association, Inc., annually by the 1st day of March in each year hereafter for the maintenance and upkeep of the various "Community Areas", beaches, etc., as shown on a plat of the subdivision, irrespective of whether the privileges of using said areas are exercised or not.

They spent ‘maintenance fees’ on the director’s certification class when they could have taken one of the free ones. They have been using that money for other purposes for many years, they always felt they were above the law. If the directors want to spend the annual fees as they see fit then change the CC&Rs, it’s just as bad as the Bait & Switch game they are playing with the bylaws. We advocated for that wording change over ten years ago but for some reason they prefer to violate it. Madam Treasurer, can you say misappropriation? Are you just doing what you’re told to do, no questions asked, or was this your idea?

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