Bylaws - Grandin Lake Shores

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We found out months ago that the directors and officers are using a different set of Bylaws than the amended set recorded with the County. We have been told you need a Facebook account because it may be posted on the Boards social media site. This is the only corporation we know of that conducts its business on a Facebook page. Rumer has it a cleaned-up version of the bylaws the board is using will be posted on their website someday. The Statutes now require this HOA to have a website, which will help with transparency if they post every document the law requires. We don’t believe for a second that will happen; the members are on a “need to know” basis and the directors decide that need. Otherwise, the board would have complied with the Statutes and provided all members with a copy of the ‘rules’ before October 1, 2024.

We have become aware that the HOA’s website is online but not finished so we will add some information about that to this post. We send out a bot/crawler a few times a year to search for anything ‘Grandin Lake’ and the website turned up in the 10/10/2024 search. Surprise! They got the site online well before the Statute deadline.

There is a section called “Covenants & Bylaws” and in that section is the PDF file “GLSA Bylaws 2011-2022”. The current Amended Bylaws & Covenants recorded with the County are located just before the end of that document. Why they are posting that all-inclusive 2011-2022 document is unknown but we suspect in some way they constitute the ‘bylaws’ the board is using. Rumer has it a cleaned-up version of the bylaws the board is using will be posted on their website someday. At some point we will explain why those highlights are on that document and what the original intent of the document was. Below is a screen shot of that section of the website, part of the address/path was redacted because public accessibility may be accidental since many sections still have stock photos and instructions on editing the page. That’s all part of a “ready-made” template. Plus, the October newsletter stated the site isn’t up yet.

Follow-up post;

The highlights in the left margin were placed, at the request of the DEO, to aid the review of the bylaws during the covenant revitalization process. They found two problems with the amended 2022 bylaws after reviewing the “2011-2022” file. They were more restrictive than the earlier bylaws and contained a post-extinguished amendment. So, they would have to be amended to comply with the revitalization prerequisites but are the current bylaws. Even those two mistakes didn’t void them.

We understand that President Weaver, after taking office, announced that the current bylaws are void because a procedure wasn’t followed or some such nonsense and the board agreed. The courts don’t care if some rule wasn’t followed in this instance. They are recorded with the County and that makes them public information. It is now evident the directors didn’t read/understand the statutes and aren’t aware of all statutes that apply to this corporation. Does an error or omission in the amendment process invalidate a recorded set of bylaws?

Think about it. A perspective buyer of property in here looks at those five-page bylaws and covenants that are recorded with the County and thinks that’s fine. Then after they own the property, the ‘Welcoming Committee’, chaired by Glenda Woodard, visits and hands them the real bylaws and covenants that are vastly different. Unless you buy one of the wooded lots, in that case you’re ignored. That is the classic “Bait & Switch” and the courts frown on it, to say the least. If the board doesn’t like the bylaws as recorded then they should amend them, not ignore them.  This has been known to the board for over six months now. The bylaws could have easily been amended in that time frame (more than once); problem resolved. The board has the power to amend the bylaws without any input from the members, they do need to be notified but that’s all, yet this Board of Directors prefer to play stupid games. Amend the bylaws to your liking and record them with the County. Until that happens, the recorded document continues to control. Why does the president want to make a big deal out of it?

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