Financials - Grandin Lake Shores

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We are very sure you will be amused with the accounting irregularities going on within this corporation under Treasurer Helen Curtis. Do not take that to mean money is being misappropriated because we don’t see any indication of that. Fortunately, the liability she is subjecting the members to is low because this is a nickel-and-dime outfit. It’s our understanding Treasurer Helen Curtis is also on the Governing Documents Committee.

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Treasurer Helen Curtis believes that this corporation doesn’t have to file a 1099 for the Secretary even though she is paid over $600 a year and is classified as a contractor not an employee. Continue Reading....
We started posting warnings about Debit Card use when the associations’ treasurer decided to start using one over a year ago. Now, it’s a violation of State Law and Treasurer Helen Curtis continues to use it;
An association and its officers, directors, employees, and agents may not use a debit card issued in the name of the association, or billed directly to the association, for the payment of any association expenses.

Also, because of the way Treasurer Curtis is using it, it’s considered theft according to Florida Statutes.
Four directors have been certified by the state, yet the law violations continue. Don’t confuse certification with competency.

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