Misc. - Grandin Lake Shores

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Miscellaneous Section
These are items linked to in posts during 2024/2025;

The November newsletter states; “The sale of lot 408 should be closing soon. That will be one less tax bill for the association to pay.

The tax bill on that property is $8.16
This is an update to a post about seven weeks ago involving tracking cookies on the HOAs website.  During visits to the official website (grandinlakeshoreshoa.org) on December 5, four tracking cookies were blocked from being placed on our devices (laptop & phone). As we stated in an earlier post, set up a free email account (make up a name, address and etc.) to use if/when you register on the member only section of the website. It won’t stop the trackers but it will channel any garbage away from your personal email address and can’t give up any of your personal information.

You can set your browser to block trackers (do not set it to block all cookies) and to clear all cookies when you close it. Also, requiring an email address for member registration violates State Statutes. Once again, the directors have chosen to violate a law; they’re certified don’t you know.

An interesting note; The domain name/website was registered as individual, not a company or business.

A postcard from a local realtor has three lots on Rollins Rd. for sale. One of those lots is in violation of County Code. Pay the annual lot fees, don’t worry about anything else.
Here is another lot that is in violation of County Code. It’s only going to get worse unless the “state certified directors” get off their collective backsides.

Ever hear of Interlachen Lakes Estates HOA or Palm Shores HOA (there are many others)? This HOA is becoming an illusion and headed for the same fate.
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